nce Living with Fits: 2016

What Causes Cellulite & How To Get Rid of Cellulite Fast (26 Effective Tips)

Every woman hates to have cellulite. Are you looking for ways to get rid of cellulite from your body? But, what is cellulite in the first place? Cellulite is a medical condition in which the skin, mainly in the abdomen, pelvic region, and thighs, becomes dimpled. It is a problem that can affect anyone, including men, women, and children. However, women are affected the most. An estimated 85% of women suffer from this condition.

Cellulite is mainly the accumulation of fat cells, proteins, and toxins that have not been eliminated by the body. It can even affect people who have relatively no fat in their bodies. It gives a unique appearance to the skin, like that of the dimpled surface of an orange peel.

What Causes Of Cellulite?

The actual reasons behind cellulite are mainly two:

What Causes Cellulite & How To Get Rid of Cellulite Fast (26 Effective Tips)

  1. Water retention
  2. Reduced blood flow to the fat cells

This happens majorly due to the structural composition of a woman’s skin. Men also have this issue, but the only thing is that it goes unnoticed.

Let me just take you through what exactly causes cellulite and how it is different from obesity. Poor diet, hormonal changes, age, and genetic predisposition – all of these trigger cellulite formation. There is a common denominator for all these factors – the accumulation of toxins in the body. A staggering 90% of post-adolescent women suffer from this orange peel skin or cottage cheese look. Other contributing factors include smoking, obesity, pregnancy, lack of exercise, not drinking enough water and stress. But, these are not absolutes.

While weight gain can make cellulite more noticeable, the good news is that cellulite is in no way related to obesity. It is found in skinny and overweight women alike. The key to cellulite reduction is to flush out the accumulated toxins from the body and prevent its future accumulation. Any step towards an ideal lifestyle can help prevent and reduce cellulite.

A study conducted by Quincy, MA at South Shore YMCA suggests that a diet rich in whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy, healthy fats, veggies, and fruits along with 120 minutes of exercise a week will help you improve the blood flow, reduce water retention, reduce fat, and build lean muscle. In short, it will help you get rid of the cellulite effectively.

One can get rid of the cellulite naturally by doing exercises, yoga, and following some home remedies. These tips will not just help to reduce and prevent cellulite, but will also pave the way for a healthy and fit life.

5 Simple Three Ingredient Detox Water Recipes

5 Simple Three Ingredient Detox Water Recipes

Drinking water helps cleanse your body by pushing poisons out. Water detox is the best way to detox without dieting. The amount of water needed to detox your body is 1.5 liters a day. Abstain from drinking an excessive amount of water in one sitting to decrease the stress drinking water has on your abdomen and kidneys. Do not drink more than 1/2 pint at a time. It helps you to be focused and centered with more energy. However, in the event that you do not like the taste, you can include some fruits or vegetables. it will help you flush out toxins from your body.

Lemon can help remove numerous digestion issues when blended with boiling hot water. These include nausea, indigestion and parasites. Because of the digestive characteristics of lemon juice, side effects of heartburn, for example, acid reflux, bloating and burping are alleviated. By drinking lemon squeeze consistently, the bowels are supported in taking out waste all the more proficiently. Lemon is a blood purifier and cleansing agent. It can can cure constipation. Lemon juice goes about as a liver tonic and helps you process your food by helping your liver create more bile. It diminishes the amount of mucus produced by your body. It also help to break down gallstones. Lemon, is a natural antiseptic medication, which means it can cure issues of the skin. Lemon is rich in vitamin C which means it will make your skin glow. It is anti-aging, a wrinkle and pimple remover. When lemon juice is put on a tooth that is hurting, it will remove the pain and stop gums from bleeding. Lemon juice also gets rid of bad breath. Lemon is a fantastic natural product that guides in battling issues identified with throat diseases, sore throat and tonsillitis as it has an antibacterial property. For sore throat, weaken one-half lemon juice with one-half water and gargle oftentimes. One of the significant medical advantages of drinking lemon water is that it clears path for losing weight faster. It controls hypertension, discombobulation, queasiness and gives relaxation to mind and body. It additionally lessens mental anxiety and depression. Lemon water aids in curing respiratory issues. Lemon is likewise a diuretic which means it can treat rheumatism and joint pain. It flushes out bacteria and poisons out of the body. Lemon water can treat an individual who is experiencing a cold, influenza or fever. It breaks fever by increasing sweating.

Watermelon can be used to treat angina, cardiovascular diseases including hypertension andsupports the immune system. Watermelon is without fat and is a wellspring of vitamins A, B6, C, and thiamine. It has a lot of lycopene (red pigment) which is a strong antioxidant and help reduce the risk of cancer. When watermelon is eaten at night, levels of serotonin is increased providing sleep with less interruption. Watermelon can help in the quicker recuperating of wound and other skin issue.

Cucumbers are 95 percent water, keeping the body hydrated while helping the body get rid of poisons. Cucumbers have the greater part of the vitamins the body needs in a solitary day. The high water substance and dietary fiber in cucumbers are extremely compelling in removing poisons.

Here are 5 water detox recipes.

Stomach Reducing Detox Water
Allow to sit overnight, 6 cups water, 1 tablespoon grated ginger, 1 sliced cucumber, 1 sliced lemon
Anti-Bacteria and Anti-Cancer Water Detox
Mix and drink, 1/2 gallon water, cut 1/2 cup strawberries in half, 1/2 sliced lemon, 1/4 cup basil leaves

Breathe Easy Water Detox
Refrigerate overnight, 1/2 gallon of water, 2 stems of mint, 1 sliced lime, 1 cup watermelon

Smart Brain Detox Water
Mix and drink, 1 sliced pear, 1 cup raspberries, 1/4 cup rosemary
Clear Out Detox Water
Allow to sit 1 hour before drinking, 1/2 gallon water, 1 sliced lemon, 2 cups watermelon, 5 cloves

The more you refill your container, glass or jug with the same fruits, the more weakened the nutrients get. So after 2 or 3 refills, remove it and replace with crisp slices to verify you get all the vitamins and minerals you require. Likewise don’t leave the fruits in there for more than 24 hrs.

Water Detox is the best way to lose weight without changing your diet. It is very beneficial and you can create your own recipe by looking up the benefits of ingredients to see which ones you want to use.

Blast Arm Jiggle with 5 Best Triceps Exercises

Do we all agree that arm jiggle is one of the worst trouble areas ever? Especially when you can literally feel your arm still waving goodbye after your hand has stopped moving? Well, adding a few sculpting moves for your triceps is the way to blast that fatty area and replace it with long, lean muscles that give your arm some gorgeous definition.

1. Seated Overhead Triceps Extension: Grab a dumbbell and sit upright on a stability ball with your abs in nice and tight. This move will really help to tone your upper arm. Click here for full instructions. 

Blast Arm Jiggle with 5 Best Triceps Exercises

2. Triceps Kickback: This move can be a little tricky if you don’t work your triceps often. Be sure you’ve picked out the right size weight!

3. Pushup Row: This move is a great way to pump up your average pushup! It’s also awesome for your arms! 

4. Resistance Band Triceps Extension: Grab your resistance band and get ready! This move is sure to push those triceps!

5. Side Pushup: Ditch that resistance band and lay on the ground on your side. Hug your tummy with one hand and push up off the ground with your other. You’ll feel the burn in no time.

That’s one cycle! We really encourage you to repeat the cycle two or three more times for best results.

For more fab workouts to target your trouble areas, check out 12 bodyweight moves for gorgeous gams and thigh-slimming moves!

5 Exercises to Slim Your Legs

5 Exercises to Slim Your Legs

Thinning down your legs isn’t hard to do, but there are only right and wrong approaches towards seeing results. The best exercises will get you to your goals sooner, ensuring you can effectively slim down your legs with a targeted workout. While spot reduction is not possible, muscular definition and weight loss composition will play a vital role in one’s success.

Here are five of the best exercises to help you slim your legs!

1. Squats
Squats are the most effective weight loss and muscle growth exercise of all. They use the largest muscle in the body, and ultimately produce the greatest level of growth hormone. Physical activation of the quads and hams will put the body into a more anabolic state. This means greater muscle growth. They are also a great core and bodyweight exercise, that makes burning calories from home a breeze.

 2. Lunges
Grab a pair of dumbbells and knock out some lunges. The entire upper leg muscle will take form with the muscular structure you would want. Do this while maintaining a caloric deficit to influence weight loss. This will leave you with slimmer, more defined legs.

Do You Want To Have Such Booty | But Exercises

Do You Want To Have Such Booty | But Exercises

Get PUMPED – you’ve just about survived the dreary, depressing, workout-deterrent Winter months and Summer is officially under 4 months out. That means it’s go-time for your full-body Summer shape up, checkpoint one: the butt department.

Outside of a ripped six-pack, what’s arguably better than strutting around the beach, sporting a tight, perky, bubbilicious booty? Besides looking phenomenal and instilling confidence from the back-side up, a strong butt connects the lower and upper body and constructs a foundation for pristine posture, a strong lower back, and powerful legs. That’s unbelievably beneficial across all ends of the fitness spectrum, both genders included.

The Super Effective Detox Weight Loss Drink Biggest Loser Producers Kept Secret from Viewers

The Super Effective Detox Weight Loss Drink Biggest Loser Producers Kept Secret from Viewers

The Super Effective Detox Weight Loss Drink Biggest Loser Producers Kept Secret from Viewers

The Biggest Loser is one of the most popular reality shows on television, and the weight loss transformations are what has viewers turning season after season. With so many people trying to lose weight, it’s no surprise that viewers of the show might wonder “How exactly do they lose weight so fast!”. It’s obvious to see that exercise plays a huge part of losing weight on the show. But with exercise there is only so many calories you can burn in a single day or week. So there also has to be another source of weight loss. Again diet plays an important role in weight loss, and the Biggest Loser contestants have great nutritional advice as well. But there is something the producers have been keeping under wraps in a serious way.

A former finalist of the show who requests to stay anonymous said that the contestants were drinking a proprietary detox drink recipe at nearly every meal. The contestant was quoted as saying “They had us drinking the stuff constantly…..we’d get pretty sick of it since it’s practically all we’d drink….But I swear by that stuff I wouldn’t have come even close without drinking it” the contestant went on to describe how taking a break from the drink almost got them kicked off the show. “One week early on in the show I decided to take a break from the drink because I was just plain tired of it you know? My trainer was pretty upset about it and the producers told me that I really should be drinking it….I didn’t follow the instructions and when I weighed in that week I had my lowest weigh in yet. I wasn’t working out any less hard and nothing changed in my diet other than this drink….I was a believer after that.

It’s simple, efficient, and you can really just feel it working. But, be warned — serious booty transformations may occur! #fitness #workout #exercise #butt #buttocks #glutes

It’s simple, efficient, and you can really just feel it working. But, be warned — serious booty transformations may occur! #fitness #workout #exercise #butt #buttocks #glutes

It’s simple, efficient, and you can really just feel it working. But, be warned — serious booty transformations may occur! #fitness #workout #exercise #butt #buttocks #glutes Click for the video!

4 Quick Exercises to Get Rid of Underarm Flab and Back Bulge in 3 Weeks

The Underarm Flab and Back Bulge distorts the body shape of many women. It also makes it very uncomfortable wearing a bra. Many, people have tried dieting to no avail. The surest and the most effective way of getting rid of this unpleasant accumulation of fat is through four effective short and quick exercises.

These can be done at the comfort of your home, either using a band with handles, rubber banding, tubing, hand weights or just moving your hands only.

4 Quick Exercises to Get Rid of Underarm Flab and Back Bulge in 3 Weeks

1- Elbow kiss

This involves spreading out your arms on either side at the level of your shoulders, palms facing up. Then fold each arm at the elbow to make a ninety degrees angle upwards.

Swing the hands while folded to the front so that they close in at the elbow with forearms touching on the sides. Lastly, return the arms to their initial position. Do sets of three, each 10 repetitions.

2- Push and touch

Involves lifting your stretched arms overhead from the resting position on the sides of your body. If you have hand weights you can use them or even a band. Standing with your stretched arms on the sides, palms facing forward, lift them to the shoulder level simultaneously than over your head. Lastly, bring the arms back in position. Do 3 sets of about 6 repetitions each.

3- Crisscross reverse fly

Put your legs apart about the width of your shoulders, slightly bend at the knees for stability and then bend forward at the waist, no more than 90 degrees, so that your head faces down. Hold the hand weight or dumbbell on each hand bent at the elbow and while palms face towards each other. Then raise your hands to the level of or slightly lower than your shoulders. Do three sets each 10 times.

4- Bent-over circular row

With your legs apart shoulder-width, bend forward (ninety degrees) and using each hand at a time, move the dumbbell towards the opposite hand, lift it up, then move it towards the chest and the back to the extended position in a circular motion. Do three sets of 10 repetitions each.

The victory over Underarm Flab and Back Bulge has never been this practical. Stop winning on how ugly and uncomfortable you are and get to exercise following these simple straightforward exercises.

These are not quick fix magical techniques that will make that accumulation of adipose tissue simply melt away. For this to work, you need discipline, commitment and consistency. Schedule an appropriate time in your daily schedule to practice these four simple and quick exercises.

Tone Your Arms Without Weights

Tone Your Arms Without Weights

Try Circuit Training to Burn 500 Calories FAST

Try Circuit Training to Burn 500 Calories FAST

5 Exercises To Combat Cellulite

5 Exercises To Combat Cellulite

The Nutrition Bars Causing You to Gain Weight

The Nutrition Bars Causing You to Gain Weight

10 Tips To Lose 10 pounds in 10 Days

10 Tips To Lose 10 pounds in 10 Days

Lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks? Is it really possible?

A toned, flat tummy is a goal many of us strive to achieve, but endless crunches and ditching all your favorite foods aren’t the right or fun way to do it. A sculpted core and trim tummy can be attained by incorporating small changes into your day, like holding in your abs while you walk and adding the right healthy fats to your diet. Follow these 24 simple ways to flatten your belly.

1. Talk and walk
Instead of catching up with friends over food and drinks, suggest a reunion on the move. You’re likely to work out 104% harder if you have an exercise buddy. Suggest a weekly walk-and-talk session, form a friendly fitness club, or try a new class at the gym together.

Lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks? Is it really possible?

2. Try the Roll-Up
Hold a resistance band taut between your hands and lie on the floor face up, with legs extended and arms overhead. Pull abs in, tuck your chin, lift arms toward the ceiling, and roll head, shoulders, and torso up and over your legs as far as you can. Keep heels firmly on the floor and reach hands towards your feet. Pause, then slowly roll back down. Do 5 to 8 reps with 30 minutes of cardio 5 to 6 times a week.

3. Make time for cardio exercises
If you want to burn the most belly fat, a Duke University study confirms that aerobic exercise is the most effective in burning that deep, visceral belly fat. In fact, aerobic training burns 67% more calories than resistance training or a combination of the two, according to the study.

16 Tips To A Super-Effective Workout (Every Time)

16 Tips To A Super-Effective Workout (Every Time)

Mason Jar Food: 23 Healthy Mason Jar Meals You Can Make in Minutes

Mason Jar meals and food are becoming a trend when it comes to social media. From their appearance to the way it’s good for portion control, eating your meal from a mason jar is just too attractive to pass up. Mason jars used to be solely used for canning purposes but recent health and fitness trends have suggested it as a form of making your diet meals taste even better simply because it just looks so good.

Healthy Recipes For You

We’ve compiled a list of 23 of the healthiest meals you can prepare with and eat off a mason jar. From breakfast to dinner, we’ve got you covered. Don’t worry about cooking or if you got to have some chef skills to make the most out of them. Mason jar meals aren’t exactly difficult to do plus most meals only require you to stack the ingredients together and they’re practically edible after opening.

Mason Jar Food: 23 Healthy Mason Jar Meals You Can Make in Minutes