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Wonder drink that removes belly fat and improves eyesight
Can’t get rid of belly fat? Well, the most dangerous type of fat can be defeated by a wonder drink made from a large spoon of raw honey, two tablespoons of cider vinegar, a glass of orange or pomegranate juice. All fresh and natural. Mix all the ingredients and consume it cold or at room temperature.
Here it’s how it works. Raw honey is an alkaline food that contains natural vitamins, enzymes, powerful antioxidants and other important nutrients. It has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
Image Source: ladiesgrace Photography
3 Kettle Bell Exercises Every Woman Should be Doing
If you have been to a sporting goods store and gone into the fitness equipment section, you have likely seen a curiously shaped, cannonball -like item known as a kettle bell located in the same section as the more traditional dumbbells. If you have wondered about their purpose, kettle bells are actually outstanding weight training equipment for those interested in taking their workouts seriously. The handle that is gripped on the kettle bell allows the user to swing it, increasing the heart rate during the workout, and increasing calorie burning capacity by up to 50 percent over traditional dumbbell workouts, according to fitness studies. Of all the exercises that can be done using the kettle bell, there are three that every woman should be doing on a consistent basis for maximum health and fitness benefits. Here is a description of each exercise:
1. The Swing:
This basic motion is one of the most effective and beneficial exercises that a woman can do to tone, firm, and shape the hamstring muscles in the legs and the gluteal muscles in the buttocks. The starting point of the movement is standing with feet hip width apart while holding the kettle bell directly in front of you, arms down at waist level, with a two-handed grip on the handle. Bending the knees, bring the kettle bell down to a position in between the legs, then swing the kettle bell to chin height, straightening the knees as you do so. Allowing the legs and gluteal muscles to do the work instead of the upper body, develop a swinging momentum with each repetition, and repeat the motion continually for one to two minutes.
Image Source: fitness Photography
2-Week Perfect Workout Plan to Lose Inches
Your wish since forever is to drop e few pounds, but it is not going that good right? Well, that’s because maybe you didn’t had a good plan or good inspiration. Your wish is not impossible to accomplish. The answer is simple: You need good exercise. Exercise is work. You have to make the effort and also you need to select healthy foods and move more.
Now you can lose inches and create a more active lifestyle with this two-week workout plan. You have a plan for 4 days, choose the days when you’ll do them on your own!
Week One
Day 1
Complete five rounds.
Push-ups (10 reps)
Bodyweight squats (20 reps)
Forward lunges—each leg (5 reps)
Plank—side plank (each side) and traditional plank (30 seconds each)
Day 2
8 to 10 minutes of an easy jog and dynamic movements: High-knees, Butt-kicks, Bounding, and Reverse Run.
Run at least 30 minutes. Use a walk/jog method if needed. Jog until you need a break, then walk as needed, and repeat for 30 minutes.
Try to increase your mileage over time. Don’t push too far, too fast.
Goal: Once you are comfortable running for 30 minutes, run a 5K (3.1 miles). If a 5K is easy for you, run a 10K (6.2 miles).
Cool down: Do an easy jog for 10 minutes and then stretch.
Day 3
Complete five rounds.
Bodyweight squat (20 reps)
Leg raise (20 reps)
Lateral lunge (10 reps each leg)
Plank hold (30 seconds)
Rest for 30 seconds and start again.
Day 4
Complete four rounds.
Note: Do as many reps as you can in the allotted time.
Push-ups (60 seconds)
Side plank—right (30 seconds)
Side plank—left (30 seconds)
Incline push-ups (30 seconds)
Decline push-ups (30 seconds)
Rest for 60 seconds and start again.
Week Two
Day 1
Complete one round.
Jump squats (50 reps)
Sit-ups (50 reps)
Push-ups (50 reps)
Jump lunges (20 reps each leg)
Rest for 2 minutes and then complete two rounds of the next circuit.
Russian twist (30 seconds)
Mountain climbers (30 seconds)
Rest for 30 seconds and start again.
Day 2
8 to 10 minutes of an easy jog and dynamic movements: High-knees, Butt-kicks, Bounding, and Reverse Run.
Do a 400-meter run 4 to 8 times at maximum effort.
Rest for the amount of time it takes you to complete a 400-meter run.
Cool down: Do an easy jog for 10 minutes and then stretch.
Day 3
Note: Complete this circuit as many times as possible in 15 minutes.
Box jumps (5 reps)
Burpees (10 reps)
Sit-ups (15 reps)
Bodyweight squats (20 reps)
Day 4
Complete six rounds.
Squats (20 reps)
Jump squats (10 reps)
Forward lunges (10 reps each leg)
Jump lunges (5 reps each leg)
Rest 2 to 3 minutes and start again.
Complete two rounds.
Note: Do maximum reps in the allotted time.
Push-ups (60 seconds)
Sit-ups (60 seconds)
Rest for 60 seconds and start again.
Image Source: nutriadviser Photography
How To Lose Weight From Hips
Many women have the problem of fat gaining in hips and thighs., then you are reading the right post! With fat loss in the leg area, you will notice your self confidence going up and you will be able to wear tight jeans, shorts and skirts without ever worrying about how your legs look and what others think.
A combination of diet and exercise can help you achieve your goal. Eating right and exercising can help you lose fat from other parts of the body as well. Follow these useful tips to win the battle against bulging thighs.
You can also try yoga to reduce fat and tone the muscles in your hips and thighs. Apart from reducing fat, yoga will increase strength and flexibility, and calm your mind.
The Sun Salutation is a well-known Poses in yoga that will help tone the whole body, including your hips and thighs. It can be very useful for reducing leg fat. Practice Sun Salutation twice daily.
Here are some home remedies to burn thigh fat:-
Check the oil that you are using. Vegetable-based and olive oils are good for you. Cut down on ghee, butter, cheese, paneer and margarine.
Massage your thighs and hips with warm coconut oil for 10 minutes twice daily.
Add 1 teaspoon each of cayenne pepper powder and grated ginger along with the juice of 1 lemon to a glass of warm water. Mix well and drink it 2 times daily.
Milk should be an important ingredient added to your daily diet. It provides you with a ton of energy and calcium that is required for your bone health while losing thigh fat.
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of filtered water daily. In fact, start your day with a glass of water. To enhance the taste of plain water, add a little lemon juice or honey.
Swimming is one of the many ways you can burn your thigh fat. Swimming also helps to reduce your waist line and keepsthe entire body fit.
Image Source: hugestyles Photography
20 Tough but Effective Butt Exercises of All Time
Every girl dreams about a sexy, toned, fitness butt.
Popped butt, just like a nice shaped bubble.
There are many butt exercises all over the internet, especially butt lift workouts, but the truth is you have to know some really IMPORTANT things in order to do it right:
First of all, every butt workout has to be done with some weights – otherwise, it won’t work. If it hurts, that means you are doing it right.
Second, there is no such thing as 15 min butt workout! – for 15 min, you can do nothing.
And last, but not least, you can get sexy and toned butt, just by doing the leg workout routine – while you are doing leg exercises, your butt is getting stronger, and that way it’s getting toned and it pops out.toning exercises
So, here is a link to the Full Leg Workout Routine, the best toning exercises for your legs!
Image Source: rupertreviews Photography
No Squats Killer Booty Workout
If you’ve been aching for lean legs and toned inner thighs, this is for you. A collection of nearly 60 muscle-sculpting moves to work all areas of the thighs (and more!) will be more than enough to get you well on your way to those gorgeous gams you’ve been envisioning. Beginners should create a sequence of the moves below and complete three sets of 10-15 reps. Those at advanced levels should create a sequence of the moves below and complete each move as many times as possible for 60 seconds.
Image Source: skinnymom Photography
Sexy Arms in 6 Weeks If you’re just starting out, aim for two sets of 8 to 12 reps of the heaviest weight you can handle for each exercise. Looking for more of a challenge? Shoot for two sets of 15 to 25 reps per exercise.
Sexy Arms in 6 Weeks
If you’re just starting out, aim for two sets of 8 to 12 reps of the heaviest weight you can handle for each exercise. Looking for more of a challenge? Shoot for two sets of 15 to 25 reps per exercise.
Bent-Over Row Step I
Primary muscles worked: lats, back extensors, rhomboids, rear shoulders, biceps, core. Stand with a slight bend at the knees, holding the weights at your sides. Lean over, extending your chest while reaching your hips back. Allow your arms to hang straight down toward the floor with your palms facing your thighs.
Bent-Over Row Step II
Looking forward at the ground (not up), pull your elbows up and rotate your hands until your palms are nearly touching your upper rib cage and your elbows point toward the ceiling. Lower the weights to the starting position with control. Repeat.
tip: Keep your belly button pulled in toward your spine to engage your core and protect your lower back.
Upright Row Step I
Primary muscles worked: shoulders, upper back, biceps.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with the weights hanging down in front of your body, their ends touching.
Upright Row Step II
Raise your upper arms, leading with your elbows while bringing the weights up the front of your body as if you were tracing an imaginary midpoint, stopping when your elbows become level with your shoulders. Lower the weights back to the starting position.
tip: Keep your chin up and your belly button tucked in.
Chest Press on Ball Step I
Primary muscles worked: chest, front of shoulders, triceps. Sit on a ball and walk out so that your head and shoulder blades are resting on the ball. Lift your hips by contracting your glute muscles to make a bridge. (Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and below your knees to give you stable support.)
Chest Press on Ball Step II
Bring the dumbbells to your shoulders. Then extend your arms over your chest and bring the dumbbells together to make a triangle over your chest. Lower the weights back to the starting position and repeat.
tip: You will need to engage your core throughout the exercise to avoid falling off the ball.
Overhead Press on Ball Step I
Primary muscles worked: shoulders, upper back, triceps. Sit on an exercise ball with your belly button pulled toward the spine. Hold the weights in front of your shoulders, your palms facing in.
Overhead Press on Ball Step II
Push the weights up until your arms are extended. When your arms are extended, they should be slightly in front of you rather than directly overhead. Lower the weights to the starting position and repeat.
tip: Keep your chin lifted slightly and your core stable.
Image Source: fitvivo Photography
Thigh Workout For Women: Top 12 Exercises For Thinner Thighs
Your thighs are just one of the many parts of the body that you probably want to shape up. Yup, I’m sure you want them to look sexier and or just simply to be able to wear the right size pants. Let’s face it, the pants available at your popular clothing line aren’t really tailored for people with thick thighs. While those who lift weights often get their pants customized for them, and don’t mind this minor inconvenience at all, there are still a lot of women today who would rather just buy and wear without having to worry about the cloth ripping in two.
Work those legs into shape
Often when we chase a body we want to have, our bellies go first and the thighs go last. More often than not, you end up wondering why it’s so hard to remove the fat in your thighs despite the number of Zumba sessions you go to and the many “thigh trimming” machines you use. For that specific reason, we’ve compiled the 12 best exercises to make your thighs firmer and sexier.
Image Source: fitvivo Photography
Top 10 Fruits To Eat To Lose Weight Quickly
We have combed through the listings to give you some of the best fruits that will aid in weight loss process. Most of the fruits that will be mentioned in this article have already won raves for their ability to do wonders on your body’s weight, but there will be others you never knew had such effect on your weight. These fruits are wholesome in themselves thereby curbing any unnecessary craving you develop. In today’s world where health is not always wealth, this article will serve you some pointers that you will need to bear in mind for healthy lifestyle. Read below to get a list of power fruits to be taken in moderation that will do the trick to your health and weight.
Fruits For Weight Loss
1. Avocado:
This is the first fruit to top the list and that too for a reason. It’s simple. Because it is the best fruit for weight loss.
Avocado is enriched with omega 9 fatty acids and is a great way to lose weight. It speeds up metabolism by burning the fat and boosting energy. You will also derive several other health benefits. So have an avocado on a regular basis and you will lose weight and stay fit. So make a salad or guacamole and the difference will be visible.
2. Lemon:
You can never find a combination unlike lemon and honey that will marvellously help you lose weight. Lemon is a weight management fruit that has wallops of riboflavin, Vitamin B, minerals like phosphorus and magnesium, not to mention Vitamin C. Drink a concoction of lemon and honey every morning and there’s no better way to start your day than with this detoxifier.
3. Watermelon:
This fruit requires a special mention because it is devoid of any fat. The maximum calories you can squeeze out of it when you consume one glass of watermelon juice are 50 calories. Also, it is rich in Vitamins A, B and C and packed full of the plant chemical, lycopene, which will protect you against heart diseases and cancer.
Image Source: stylecraze Photography
For overall strength and a great looking butt, you need to take some time to train. If total body fitness and proficiency at everyday tasks isn’t enough motivation, these 13 moves will tone your behind and have your butt looking better than ever. How’s that for incentive?
Start on your hands and knees. Balancing on your right knee, swing your left leg back. Your foot should remain level and your thigh should be parallel to the ground at its highest point. Take the left leg back down slowly and repeat. Remember to switch legs.
Start on your back with your arms out to your sides for stability, in a bridge. Bend your left leg and plant your left foot firmly on the ground then raise your lower body and right leg out in a straight line off the floor. With toes pointed back toward you, raise your hips and right leg higher, maintaining a straight line with your body. Your head should remain on the floor but your body should be at a 45 degree angle off the floor. Hold and then lower your right leg down without letting it touch the floor.
Start with a step to your right, place your right foot on the platform. With your left foot still on the floor, squat down—using good form (back straight, head up). Pushing off the left foot, shuffle up and over the step, landing on the opposite side with only your right foot on the ground. When coming down, lower into a squat; repeat.
Start by choosing a height that feels comfortable, but is still challenging. When jumping, the goal is to get both feet firmly planted on top of the box at the same time. This move provides both great cardio and strength benefits for your legs and backside.
Start standing with feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed out, holding the kettlebell directly in front of you in an overhanded grip. Bend your knees slightly and set your hips back a bit, your body should be slightly lower—but not in a squat. Lower the kettlebell between your legs and in one swift motion, use your butt and hips to help get the kettlebell back up in front of you. During the exercise remember to keep your core and rear tight. There are tons of other kettlebell moves that are super effective; you can find a few here.
Start standing up straight, feet shoulder width apart. Take a big step with your right foot, to the right side and with your whole body leaning right, set your hips back and lower yourself down. Keep your back straight, don’t hunch over, make sure your right knee is over your toes and try to keep your left leg straight and then hold that position for a moment. Both feet should be pointing forward and flat on the ground the whole time. Return to starting position and then do the same thing with your left leg.
Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart and take a large step forward with your right foot. Your feet should be pointing forward and your right knee should be directly over your right foot as you lower into the lunge. Turn your upper body to the right and extend your arms in that direction, then hold. Moving your arms and upper body to the center, take a big step forward with your left foot and repeat.
Start standing tall, with your feet hip-width apart. Step your right foot behind your left and lower the right knee to the ground, but don’t touch the floor. Hold there for a moment and then bring your foot back to start (or you can kick the right foot out to the side). Repeat a few times and then switch legs.
Start lying on your back with your arms on the floor out to the side and heels on an exercise ball. Raise your hips so only your upper back is touching the floor, your body should be at a 45 degree angle. Pull your heels in toward your body, rolling the ball close to your butt and hold it for a moment. Only the very top of your back should be on the ground at this point. Slowly roll the ball back to starting position.
Start with your arms raised in front of you in whatever position feels most comfortable. Lower into a squat then on the way up power into a jump. Come down from the jump directly into a squat and repeat.
Start with an amount of weight that feels comfortable, but challenging. Hold the barbell with an overhand grip, standing straight up, arms straight down. Bend your knees slightly, keep your back straight and let your hips move back as you bend down slowly. Move the weight down the front of your legs as far as you can, while maintaining good form. Pull back up the same way; you should feel this move primarily in your hamstrings and glutes.
Start with a free weight that feels comfortable, but challenging. Standing with feet hip-width apart, lift your right foot off the ground while keeping your back straight. Bend at the hips as your right legs moves up, in line with your back, and the weights move toward the floor. Maintaining good form, slowly return your right leg toward the floor. Keep it off the ground if you can as you repeat the exercise and then switch legs. This move will help with strength and balance.
Image Source: fitandhealthyminds Photography
Transform your mind and body in just 6 weeks with there diet, exercise and lifestyle tips.
The three most common comments I get from moms who begin training with me are:
- I don’t have much time to spend working out.
- I want to lose weight.
- I want to tone up.
I tell moms all the time that these are easy fixes that can be done in as little as six weeks if they can stay on track. Not falling off track is the hardest part, but if you can do it, you can get results.
Exercise: The training program should consist of full-body workouts that incorporate a conditioning exercise like sprints, a 400-meter run, stairs or plyo jumps. Conditioning exercises will speed up your heart rate and therefore your metabolism. This will ignite your body and you will burn calories at a very high rate, both during and after your workout.
I have my moms do at least five exercises over 3-5 sets per workout that target the entire body. These workouts only take 20-30 minutes to complete! 20-30 minutes per workout is all it takes to get in great shape. Don’t tell me you don’t have time to train. Eject from your Facebook and Instagram feeds for thirty minutes and train.
I don’t use machines. All workouts incorporate some combination of kettlebells, dumbbells, sandbags, sleds, TRX, muscle ropes, med balls and more. I look at it like this: you are the machine. You should use free motion movements that don’t lock your body into a machine’s pre-programmed range of motion. Machines limit your ability to use multiple muscle groups. Workouts become more effective, faster and more fun when you become the machine. Become the machine!
Nutrition: The other big lesson I try to instill in moms is that they have to be accountable for what they eat. Diet is by far the number one reason why a lot of moms stop training. They don’t see results within the first couple weeks of training, decide that it isn’t for them and walk away. When I ask them what they are eating they say: “All good things.” So they think. Many times, I can only shake my head when I ask them to write down everything that they eat in a day and show it to me. Either they are over-eating, not eating enough or just plain eating junk. When you train three to five days a week and stay on a healthy eating plan you can get results, without a doubt.
I like my moms to track calories with mobile phone apps. This keeps them from cheating and let’s them track and see just how many calories they consume in a meal or snack. I also advise them to include a cheat meal from time to time. This isn’t a full day of cheating; just one meal for the day every four days or so. The cheat meal is a reward for staying on track.
Drink plenty of water. If you are having trouble drinking water, just add something tasty to it like fresh organic fruit or even Crystal Light.
Life: I tell my moms to find an event like a class reunion, wedding or otherwise that they want to look good for. Write it down and keep it fresh in your mind. This will help your motivation and prevent you from throwing in the towel.
These tips and principles will help you to drop inches and get in the shape you’ve been dreaming about for so long. Just remember how to stay on track and give yourself a timeline or concrete event that you are working toward.
Trent Bender of PIT Fitness is a sought after fitness, strength and nutrition expert based in Venice, California with a groundbreaking, one-of-a-kind offering. Trent is a health and fitness coach whose clients include celebrities, athletes and everyday people. Trent has helped shape some of Hollywood’s finest physiques and has traveled all over presenting and coaching his training and nutrition method. Trent’s training is unique because of the tools he uses and his incorporation of explosive exercise movements used by elite athletes to generate power and strength.
Image Source: SKINNYMOM Photography
Cucumber and mint shake
1 organic cucumber
1 sprig of parsley
1 sprig of mint
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 cup of chopped celery stalks
1 bunch of chopped spinach
1 inch of peeled and finely chopped celery stalks
4 ice cubes
Blend all ingredients except the ice cubes at high speed to make a smooth shake.
Transfer this to a glass and add the ice cubes and enjoy.
Citrus green shake
1 large tangerine
4 stalks of medium celery broccoli
1 cup of water 8 florets of medium sized chopped broccoli
½ teaspoon of finely grated ginger
Add the tangerine, water and celery to the blender and blend at high speed for at least 30 seconds
Then add broccoli and ginger and blend for 60 seconds at high speed.
Serve and enjoy
Celery and apple shake
3 stalks of organic celery
1 organic pear
Freshly squeezed juice of one lime
1 cup of water
1 organic green apple
1 bunch of finely chopped romaine lettuce
½ a bunch of spinach
Blend the romaine lettuce at low speed and when smooth, add spinach, celery, pear, and apples and blend well at high speed.
Serve and enjoy.
Mixed green shake
¼ cup of pineapple
1 cup of romaine lettuce
1 cup of green grapes
1 cup of ice cubes
¾ cup of water
Blend all ingredients except the ice cubes at high speed to make a smooth shake.
Transfer this to a glass and add the ice cubes and enjoy.
Pineapple-spinach shake
1 cup of chopped spinach
¼ cup of fresh parsley
1 cup of chopped pineapple
½ teaspoon of freshly grated ginger
Blend all the ingredients for 1 minute at high speed
Serve and enjoy
13 Amazing Workouts For Perfect Butt and Hips
Workouts For Perfect Butt : To attain perfect hips and butt, diets for fat loss alone will not be sufficient. You will also need to spare time for workouts that will help you tone the muscles of the butt and thighs, which later will make your lower body much firmer and in great shape.
Hence, this time, HNBT will reveal to you some of the greatest workouts for perfect butt and hips that will help you attain them in no time.
1. Basic Squats
From perfect butt to firmer thighs, squats can do the magic for you. To do a basic squat, stand with your feet hip width apart and keep your back straight. Squat down to a 90-degree angle while maintaining a straight back.
Try to push your butt back as far as you can and then stand back up. Do not bend your body when you squat. Do a set of three, each consisting 12 reps. Slowly increase the number of reps weekly.
2. Squat, Hold and Pulse
This time, you will take the basic squats one step further. Stand with your feet hip width apart and squat down with your back straight. Again, do not let your body bend forward, and squat down to a 90-degree angle as you did for the basic squats.
Stand back up, but this time stop halfway- don’t stand back up straight. Make tiny up and down movements. Do a set of 3, each consisting 12 reps.
3. Squat and Kick Back
It’s time to take squats to a whole new level. For squat and kick, you need to position yourself as in basic squats. Keeping your back straight, squat to a 90-degre angle. While you stand back up, kick back your right leg, bend your knees and grab onto your shin with your right hand.
Hold the pose for two seconds then squat and repeat with your left leg. Do a set of 3, each consisting of 15 reps.
4. Single Leg Squat
Once you have mastered all types of squats(as listed above), you may proceed with the single leg squat. It is pretty challenging, thus you need to be consistent and patient. To begin with this one, you first need to stand up straight. Plant your right heel slightly in front of your left foot and keep your right leg straight. Slowly bend your left knee to squat keeping your back straight, and extend your right leg slowly as you squat (as shown in the image). Stand back up, and repeat this with the other leg. Do a set of 3, consisting reps of 10 for each side.
5. Basic Bridge
Bridges are effective in strengthening and toning your butt, hips and thighs. To do a basic bridge, you need to lie on your back, place your arms by your side and bend your knees with your feet placed firmly on the ground. Then lift your but up, until your body comes into a straight line from the shoulder to the knees. While you lift your butt up, squeeze it for two seconds and let go as you bring it back to the ground. Do a set of 3, each consisting of 15 reps.
6. Hands-up Bridge ( Alteration )
If you have mastered the basic bridges, you can elevate its difficulty with the hands up bridge. Lie in the same position as in basic bridge, but this time with your hands up in the air. Slowly lift your butt off the ground, squeeze your muscles and lie back on ground. Do a set of 3, each consisting of 10 reps. You may increase the number of repetitions over time.
7. Leg-lift Bridge
For this bridge exercise, you may rest your hands by your side. Instead, lift your left leg, keeping it as straight as possible. Alternatively switch legs each time you lift your butt off the ground. Do a set of 3, each consisting reps of 16.
8. Standing Abduction
Stand up straight sideways, and place your left hand on the wall for support. Slowly raise your right leg sideways, as high as possible without bending your knee. If possible, try to bring it to a 90-degree angle. Then squeeze your glutes for 2 seconds, and bring back your leg down. After a repetition of 10, switch sides, and do another 10. For this workout, you may start off with a set of 2 and increase it over time.
9. Lunges
Lunges are great workout for perfect butt and hips. It strengthens your lower body muscle overall including your calves. Stand up straight, holding your dumbbells down at your sides. Take one big step forward with your left leg, and then plant your foot firmly onto the ground. Slowly bend your both knees, your right knee should bend and touch the ground and your left knee should form a 90-degree angle( as shown in image). Stand back up and repeat it with the other leg. You may begin with a set of 2, each consisting 20 reps.
10. Low Lunge Hover
Stand with feet width apart, step back your left foot (your heel raised, toes touching the ground) and bend your right knee ( your body lowers forward). Then bring your arms over your head, and hinge forward from the waist. As your arms reach forward, lower your chest forward and lift your left leg behind. Both legs should be as straight as possible. Hold this position for about three seconds, and then return to the initial position, and repeat it with the other leg. For this workout, you are advised to do a set of 3, each consisting 20 reps.
11. Toe Taps
This is a simple workout that does miracles to your hips and butt. Simply lie on your back, bend both your knees and alternatively tap the toes of your both feet on the ground. Continue tapping alternatively for a minute or until your muscles is tired. Rest for a minute or two, and then tap again.
12. Side Stepping Curtsey
Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Then clasp your hands behind your head. Cross your right leg (extended, not bent) behind your left, then get down on curtsey lunge with your right arm reaching out to touch the floor. Quickly stand up and repeat this on the other leg. Do a set of 3, 6 reps for each side. This is one of the best yet workouts for perfect butt.
13. Single Leg Front Raises
This is a pretty simple workout, though it brings incredible results when done accurately. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart like usual, but this time hold a pair of 5-pounds dumbbell in your hands.
Then bend your right leg at knee and lift it about 3 inches off the floor. Bend your arms and lift it as shown in the image, and then raise your both arms above your head and hold it for 3 secs. Then bring it back to your chest level and raise again. Continue this for 10 reps, then switch leg and repeat. Do a set of 3.
Image Source: healthnbodytips Photography
10 Mental Rules Fit Women Live By
Attitude plays a big part to whether you thrive with your fitness goals or you fail. Here are 10 mental rules that fit women follow that helps them continue being successful in their fitness journey.
1. Shut out the noise
Shut out the constant stream of negative thoughts that runs through your mind. That mental static is your biggest obstacle – learning to filter it by focusing on positive thinking is essential to your success.
2. Maximize inner motivation
To do this you need to be absolutely clear about why you want to get fit. Figure out what’s really important to you. Do you want to lower your blood pressure? Fit into a size two? Or do you just want to feel better? Motivation that lasts can’t come from an outside source—like your doctor or a loved one who wants you to slim down. It has to come from a personal, deep-rooted desire for change.
3. Cultivate grit
Grit is the resolve and passion required on a daily basis to pursue a long-term goal. To cultivate grit, you have to commit to consistency no matter what. A fit person wakes up every day knowing she will do whatever it takes to stay on track—whether that means getting up an hour earlier to make it to the gym before work or squeezing in a power walk at lunch. The secret is focusing on the thoughts that drive and inspire you. If it helps to remind yourself how good you’ll feel post workout, for example, do that. If it motivates you to daydream about your future toned tummy, do that. Concentrate on exactly what you want to achieve and make every day count.
4. Set specific goals and strategies
The more detailed your daily goals and plans, the better. An English study on women enrolled in a weight loss program asked half of their subjects to write down their strategies for managing temptation (for example, when sugar cravings strike, I will make a cup of tea). After two months, those women had lost twice as much weight as women in a control group, who did not write their strategies down.
5. Picture your success
Close your eyes and imagine your ideal body—both what it looks like from head to toe, and how it makes you feel. Then, go shopping – if you want that body, then buy clothes that would fit if you had it. And try them on every day until they fit!
6. Plan your meals, eliminate choices
Chocolate croissant or steel cut oats? Grilled salmon or a quesadilla? When you have to make these types of dietary decisions all day long, you may end up exhausting your willpower. Planning your meals in advance, however—even just one meal per day—can make it easier (and less stressful) to eat healthy.
7. Do not give yourself any outs
There are a few classics, like “If I don’t exercise at lunchtime, I’ll do it tonight” or “I’ll have ice cream today and get my diet back on track tomorrow.” Any sort of procrastination and deviation runs the risk of bumping you off course. Don’t give yourself an out, and stick to the path that leads to your goal.
8. It’s ok to give in sometimes
It’s inevitable that from time to time your healthy routine will get interrupted by forces outside your control, like when your partner proposes an impromptu date night right after you’ve bought salad ingredients. When that happens, try to go with the flow and enjoy yourself.
9. Believe it and become it
This rule is simple: If you believe you can be in amazing shape, then you’ll do things on a day-to-day basis to accomplish it. The problem is, many of us carry around defeating beliefs. When you recognize a negative thought (like, “I’m so uncoordinated”), ask yourself why you think that way. You may discover the criticism originally came from your parents, or your sibling, or a childhood buddy. Don’t give those outdated internal beliefs power. Just let them float away, like leaves that have fallen into a river (much easier to say and write it than done) You have control over your thoughts – they don’t have control over you.
10. Enjoy milestones, jump for joy
Celebrate milestones. If you don’t appreciate your successes along the way, you risk becoming emotionally numb, nonreactive.. But giving yourself regular (healthy!) rewards (like a massage, for example), provides a little “added oomph” to keep going and push yourself even harder in the long run.
Image Source: healthyminds Photography
Get Sexy & Toned ABS – The Best AB Workouts!
When it comes to your abs, there are many things that you shouldn’t do to have sexy and toned abs. We already made it clear, in the post The Recipe For Sexy Abs, that belly fat can be reduced not with abs exercises, but with other things, such as diet and a lot of cardio. It is not easy, and it is not simple, especially if you are not fit. It is hard to get them, but it is very easy to lose them. It takes commitment and hard work to get them, and discipline to keep them. But all of that will be worthless if you don’t start doing exercises, of course. It doesn’t matter if you start doing it at home or in the gym, but my suggestion is to go to the gym. Why? Well, when you go to the gym, you are much more motivated because of the shaped people surrounding you. And the walls in the gyms are wrapped with mirrors to watch yourselves working out. Now, there are various exercises to help you to tone your abs, after you have reduced all the belly fat. So, here are some of the best abs exercises, that will tone your abs, and will give a gorgeous finish to your fitness body. Now, fit girls, let’s get started with the best ab workouts!
The first exercise you want to do are the crunches. We all know what crunches are, in fact, I bet we all do them, so I think that there is no need for me to explain. I will just give you some tips. So, if you already have a flat stomach and you want your abs to appear you should do shorter, faster crunches.
Bicycle Crunches
Well, you know how to ride an imaginary bicycle? Well, it is that easy. The tip is that you can move your head additionally. So this is one more exercise that will tone your abs.
V Crunches
The V crunch is a great way to exercise the upper and lower abdominals at the same time provided you use the correct technique. You can do it vertical or horizontal, either way it has great effects.
Leg Lifting
You can do this exercise in many ways, and either-way you are doing it right! With two legs, with one leg, in the gym, horizontal at home… Just keep going!
This is the last exercise you want to do, but not least. You should do it 3 series for about 30-40 seconds. The hint is to do it last, because it takes a lot of energy, because it includes all the body, not just the abs. This is one of the best ab workouts. I prefer doing planks on the elbows.
Image Source: fitgirlsdiary Photography
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