nce Living with Fits: 2-Week Perfect Workout Plan to Lose Inches

2-Week Perfect Workout Plan to Lose Inches


Your wish since forever is to drop e few pounds, but it is not going that good right? Well, that’s because maybe you didn’t had a good plan or good inspiration. Your wish is not impossible to accomplish. The answer is simple: You need good exercise. Exercise is work. You have to make the effort and also you need to select healthy foods and move more.

Now you can lose inches and create a more active lifestyle with this two-week workout plan. You have a plan for 4 days, choose the days when you’ll do them on your own!

Week One

Day 1 
Complete five rounds.

Push-ups (10 reps)
Bodyweight squats (20 reps)
Forward lunges—each leg (5 reps)
Plank—side plank (each side) and traditional plank (30 seconds each)

Day 2

8 to 10 minutes of an easy jog and dynamic movements: High-knees, Butt-kicks, Bounding, and Reverse Run.
Run at least 30 minutes. Use a walk/jog method if needed. Jog until you need a break, then walk as needed, and repeat for 30 minutes.
Try to increase your mileage over time. Don’t push too far, too fast.

Goal: Once you are comfortable running for 30 minutes, run a 5K (3.1 miles). If a 5K is easy for you, run a 10K (6.2 miles).

Cool down: Do an easy jog for 10 minutes and then stretch.

Day 3 

Complete five rounds.

Bodyweight squat (20 reps)
Leg raise (20 reps)
Lateral lunge (10 reps each leg)
Plank hold (30 seconds)
Rest for 30 seconds and start again.

Day 4

Complete four rounds.

Note: Do as many reps as you can in the allotted time.

Push-ups (60 seconds)
Side plank—right (30 seconds)
Side plank—left (30 seconds)
Incline push-ups (30 seconds)
Decline push-ups (30 seconds)
Rest for 60 seconds and start again.

2-Week Perfect Workout Plan to Lose Inches

Week Two

Day 1 

Complete one round.

Jump squats (50 reps)
Sit-ups (50 reps)
Push-ups (50 reps)
Jump lunges (20 reps each leg)
Rest for 2 minutes and then complete two rounds of the next circuit.

Russian twist (30 seconds)
Mountain climbers (30 seconds)
Rest for 30 seconds and start again.

Day 2

8 to 10 minutes of an easy jog and dynamic movements: High-knees, Butt-kicks, Bounding, and Reverse Run.
Do a 400-meter run 4 to 8 times at maximum effort.
Rest for the amount of time it takes you to complete a 400-meter run.

Cool down: Do an easy jog for 10 minutes and then stretch.

Day 3

Note: Complete this circuit as many times as possible in 15 minutes.

Box jumps (5 reps)
Burpees (10 reps)
Sit-ups (15 reps)
Bodyweight squats (20 reps)

Day 4 

Complete six rounds.

Squats (20 reps)
Jump squats (10 reps)
Forward lunges (10 reps each leg)
Jump lunges (5 reps each leg)
Rest 2 to 3 minutes and start again.

Complete two rounds.

Note: Do maximum reps in the allotted time.

Push-ups (60 seconds)
Sit-ups (60 seconds)
Rest for 60 seconds and start again.
Image Source: nutriadviser Photography
