nce Living with Fits: 4 Effective Yoga Poses For Acid Reflux

4 Effective Yoga Poses For Acid Reflux


4 Effective Yoga Poses For Acid Reflux

There are many people who suffer the effects of acid reflux disease,Managing acid reflux through lifestyle change and medications can help control the condition while in more serious cases reflux surgery can repair the weakened muscular ring between the stomach and the esophagus that is usually responsible for the condition.Now the question is how to get rid of this problem. Yoga is the best solution. here are some of the yoga poses and gives some fast heartburn relief.

Adho Mukha Shvanasana:

The Adho Mukha Shvanasana recover flexibility of your spine, elongate the hips and low back, refresh the body, and prevents back problems. Dog pose should not be practiced if someone has serious back pain.

Cat Pose:

Breathing Exercise (Pranayama):

Controlled breathing is easiest yogasana. This asana can help you in relieving of your all strain and tension of day-to-day life. After a phase of time poisonous or toxic build-ups developed in the mucus linings of lungs and Pranayama helps in reducing that. Proper breathing also cleans the blood and amplifies the blood circulation into the veins of the body; due to that you feel improved energy in yourself.

Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose):

This forward-bend posture helps improve our digestive system and also relieves gas, cramping and bloating of stomach. The posture also helps in reducing stress which is necessary for good digestion.
