nce Living with Fits: How to Lose Belly Fat

How to Lose Belly Fat


There is no one today who does not want fit body. Nowadays belly fat becomes a common problem due t unhealthy lifestyle. Belly fat is an extreme fat in the abdomen as well as just about the stomach. It looks odd while you wear tight clothes moreover causes humiliation. Actually it’s hard to lose flab as of the belly region.

How to Lose Belly Fat

A lot of people attempt to lose belly fat by consuming less otherwise famishing themselves that is not at all a superior idea and might result in more than a few harmful side-effects. The fit way to decrease your belly is to use This ways to get best result..

  • Genetics
  • Lack of physical activity in daily routine
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Junk food
  • Consumption of carbohydrates in large amount
  • Consumption of more calories
  • Intake of heavy food and then, go to bed
Lemon helps to lose belly fat 100%:

Drinking lemon juice on the daily basis will definitely reduce the belly fat soon

  1. After you get up in the morning, take the lemon and squeeze out its juice into the water.
  2. While warm water is good to make lemon water for fat burning purpose, you can also use water at room temperature. This won’t stop lemon doing its job.
  3. Ensure that you take lemon water on empty stomach.
  4. Do not eat anything till 30 minutes after the consumption of lemon juice.

The lemon water will increase the enzymes which in return will detoxify the liver, initiating it to function efficiently. Ensure that this water is consumed regularly.

Green Tea Instead of Coffee or Tea:

Intake a cup of hot green tea each morning on an empty stomach can rinse the pollutants in your body. It can also benefit to diminish the problem of constipation. Green tea contains low calories and starting your day with it instead of tea or coffee is very best way to reduce belly fat.

  1. Take 2 glasses of water in a saucepan and set it to boil.
  2. Add green tea leaves to it.
  3. Add few basil leaves for nice aroma and other health related benefits. Take it off from the stove after 15 minutes.
  4. Add 1 tbsp of honey to it and 1 tbsp of fresh lime juice to it. Stir it and sip your green tea. It is advisable to go with 3-4 cups of green tea everyday for better results.
Ginger Tea:

Well-known for its ability to improve digestion, ginger root also increases thermogenesis in the human body.  Enjoy a cup of fresh ginger tea as part of your daily routine to burn off belly fat faster!

  1. Boil the water.
  2. Add ginger to the hot water and simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Remove from the stove and add lemon juice and honey to this.
  4. Mix well and have a cup of this ginger tea in the morning.
  5. To regulate your metabolism, stimulate your digestion and reduce your cortisol production, have at least 2 cups of ginger tea throughout the day.
List of Fat Burning Foods:

These are the foods, which enhance weight loss reduction, reduce fat accumulation, and thus indirectly help, in fat burning process. These are the natural fat burning foods that accelerate melting of fat and without negative side effects.  It seems, they are act like as fat burners.
  1. Curry Leaves
  2. Honey
  3. Peanut
  4. Grapefruits
  5. Soya and Canola oils
  6. Yoghurt
  7. Coffee
  8. Cinnamon
  9. Fish Oil
  10. Oatmeal
  11. Egg White
  12. Asparagus
  13. Almonds
  14. Green Tea
  15. Lean Meats
  16. Lentils
  17. Chillies
  18. Turmeric
  19. Garlic
  20. Cardamom
6 Major Yoga poses to reduce belly fat:

Yoga is the greatest way to cut belly fat or abdominal fat rapidly at home. On the other hand, if you want to get free of fat with the support of yoga, you need to repeat it commonly. Performing yoga frequently will not only support you to reduce fat but also will create your body supple as well as smooth. Have a rapid look at some yoga poses which help to decrease belly fat rapidly.

  1. Surya Namaskara(Sun salutation )
  2. Pavanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)
  3. Astanga yoga postures
  4. Bhujangasana(Cobra pose)
  5. Kapalbhati Yoga pose
  6. Dhanurasana(Bow pose)

6 Major Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat for Men:

Along with a proper diet exercise is also very important part of your life to burn belly fat fast. The good news however comes as a package of number of exercises especially designed for working out the belly and toning it well. The list below has the top notch ideas that can be followed on a regular basis. Check them out and follow with due diligence to get maximum advantage on the stomach region.

  • Crunches
  • Bicycle Exercise
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Running/Walking
  • Twist Crunch
  • Side Crunches

11 Major Tips to Prevent Accumulation of Fat around the Belly:-

  • Lower down the sodium intake.
  • Skipping rope can be a very good exercise to keep belly in shape.
  • Avoid taking stress.
  • Do cardio exercises.
  • Soup of bitter and pungent smell vegetables is good in burning of fat.
  • A glass of orange or carrot or pine apple juice is nutritionally good to lose fat fast.
  • Taking the mix of apple cider vinegar and warm water throughout the day is good to burn extra flab from your body.
  • Avoid eating white rice and sugary supplements.
  • Avoid consuming red meat and junk foods.
  • Walk at least 1 kilometre on a daily basis.
  • Eat green vegetables and fruits.
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