nce Living with Fits: Top 7 Diet Recommendations for Dry Skin People

Top 7 Diet Recommendations for Dry Skin People


Top 7 Diet Recommendations for Dry Skin People

Winter’s cool temperature often leaves your skin dry and cracked. The skin not only becomes dry but also gets itchy and flaky. Moisturizers can work only till an extent; for the extra supple you really need to work hydrating it from inside. Given below are some diet remedies that can easily help your skin to become smooth.

Increase the intake of Fluids:

The most important way to keep your skin hydrated is to increase the intake of water.  Fruits juices can really help in hydrating your skin from inside and makes it free from radical damage. Citrus fruit juice helps in producing collagen for your skin, giving your skin plumper and moisturized look. So start taking more of fluids and let the vitamins do their work.


Avocados contain a great source of Vitamins and monounsaturated fats that helps in locking the moisturizer of your skin. So try and increase the amount of avocados in your diet and eradicate the dryness from your body.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut helps to remove dryness from the skin both internally as well as externally. Coconut oil contains anti inflammatory properties that help in hydrating your skin from inside. Use coconut oil while cooking. It really works in moisturizing your skin. External use of coconut oil is an added advantage.


Salmon is high omega 3 fatty acids which can easily reduce the inflammation caused on your skin. It not only the skin from sun damage but also helps in strengthening of skin cells. But when you are consuming salmon to remove dryness, try and avoid deep frying. The fats while frying can make your skin look even more terrible. So just go for the option of roasting or baking. It will ease your skin and help it become smooth and supple.

Orange and Yellow Vegetables:

Orange and Yellow vegetables are high in beta carotene, which is super beneficial for your skin. Beta carotene protects your skin from all kinds of environmental damage.  They are highly nutritious and help in repairing all type of tissue damages. Cooked vegetables are more preferred than eating it raw.  Try to roast the vegetable first before consuming.

Green leafy Vegetables:

Green leafy vegetables not only help in moisturizing your skin but also help in glowing f your skin. Spinach and other leafy vegetables are high in Omega 4 fatty acids and Vitamin A. It not only removes all kind of redness and dryness, but also helps in building a strong immunity system for your skin. It is also high in phytochemicals which helps in hydrating your skin. So try and consume more and more of green vegetables and get rid of the dry skin problem.

Almonds and Flaxseed:

Seeds and Almonds are in fatty acids and well known to produce elasticity the in your skin. The antioxidants produced helps in hydrating your skin to a great extent. It not only improves the quality of the skin, but also helps in the regeneration of cells. Flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds and hazelnuts are consumed in high quantity if you’re suffering from dry skin problem. These seeds can be enjoyed plain or as crunchy toppings. Eliminate the dryness today from your skin and start consuming fresh nuts and seeds today.

These are easy tips to remove dryness. These remedies don’t cost much of money and can make your skin look youthful and attractive. So rather than slathering yourself in expensive creams, start applying these tips in day to day routine. These foods will not only eradicate dryness, but also provide you with much smoother skin which will have long lasting effects.
